There are two things that can take a very bad turn with my students; level tests and grades. What I mean by this is what my hagwon does by "testing" our kids to see if they can get up to the next level. This includes taking tests on English listening, guessing the right answer and writing, and my personally developed English speaking test. If they level up they cheer as if they won a new bike (no surprise here, they forget to realize that they will have more work to do in the next level, all they see is a raise; it's all an ego trip, and it starts as kids), but if they stay at the same level or level down, let's just say it's not pretty. This usually means tears, sighs, and worst of all, whining (but with some dingle slackers, they are in every school, you know the one's they cheer for their temporary or maybe even intentional unintelligence).
Whining has become one of my least favorite attributes on any soul, including my own, reason being I use to be a whiner and a complainer--so I was told but nothing to the extreme (perhaps on occasion still a complainer without the whine). However, I have caught myself, come to terms with it, and beyond, if not distinguishing all whining affects or complaints within my daily existence. Moreover, let me point out that even the adults, particularly the women, whine and complain here. To beat, it's in a child-like manner, and worst of all they think it's cute (add in the barf effect)!
When you work with kids it is one of their major personality downfalls. This is where patience is heavily needed, if not--may I dear say--you wouldn't mind shooting them an ill-look or even worse a swift kick to the noggin with a shut up and a smirk at the end. Well, I'm just saying.
I think I may be complaining at this very moment, with a hint of sarcasm but if it wasn't for me making it a joke I think I could possibly say f*** this job...I need a vacation!
Point taken and now, finishing up my daily routine, waltz's in my favorite student, Bomi. A 15 year old who is well past her years in English conversational skills. Built and bred here at Oh Sung Shik and heavily nurtured by myself, her speaking skills are more eloquent. And she is now very comfortable with conversation--yay, teacher!
Quick side note, one of the major defaults within the Korean teaching system when it comes to English study is the major missing piece--conversation. They can study their wits off with grammar, reading, and writing but their conversation skills are well below average; not even close to their level of study. In a way, at times, the foreign teacher can feel a bit like the talking puppet but that feeling does go away once you get paid! Conversation is a joy of mine but it can be a bit tiresome or annoying, particularly when I get a long pause from a kid I don't necessarily want to stare at or an answer that makes no sense by any means. You must realize that there are good days, doable days, and get me the hell out of here days, and to be honest if it wasn't for my co-workers and my overall optimistic spirit I am not sure I would still be here. Further from these ideas is the down-right truth; I love teaching.
So with the screams, whining and general chaos, I ended with a pretty good day consisting of photoshoots and lots of giggles! Here are pictures of our day, me and the students that is:
Let's start off self-indulgent...a photo of me in Juno's class--I really wanted to fly away...
Kevin and Johnny in a moment...
Johnny using Jake's head as an arm rest, and all 3 trying to figure out the English word in a game of Hangman...
Kevin being a girl again; I made him haha noticed the "do I have to" face...
Johnny being jealous and wanting a "girly" picture...
My little Annie...
A moment with the women, oh, and little Christina (well, she isn't that little)...
In Korean and English...
Ah! I made them pose like this. At first we were going to do a group picture but Sara (the one in glasses) refused to do a girl pose "I am like a boy" hahahaha--loved it! They look so cool...
Annie and me. I was thinkning of chopping myself out; I probably should have, eh...
He has a twin SCARY...
Still SCARY...
Hello Kitty...
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