LIVE everyday through love and compassion, and develop a strong sense of self. Stay CONNECTed to who you are, and to others. Listen to your feelings, your heart, and you will hear your calling. We are all connected so learn and listen to one another. And most of all just BREATHE, take in every moment, and appreciate it. Understand it--bad or good--learn from it. Listen and surrender to the world inside of you, and the world among you. LIVE OPENLY, CONNECT ALWAYS, AND REMEMBER TO BREATHE!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Piece of art and some words...

I feel this piece. I think it captures the duality between two souls.
We always want to have and find true love, but it is not always what we expect. When you arrive in love with another soul, you both, individually, come with past lives, issues, passion and aspirations. Which makes the love, conflict or pain seem, at times, unbearable. We come to think maybe we weren’t meant for eachother or maybe we are but we cannot handle it. Or perhaps, through decades of existence we have yet to find the true way to love. Maybe it is simple or maybe it isn’t, but it’s love. So to all the fiery souls and all the twisted head issue peeps; a piece of art to combine the moment.
The best way to live is to not deny yourself of who you really. Life is not just about finding yourself its about creating yourself. Love.
Today was an interesting day...
1st class I took the kids outside to teach them some English games and words on the playground; the day was warm with an Indian summer air, and we had so much fun.
2nd class my favorite student (I am her absolute favorite teacher;) shows me her sticker collection; opens to the first page and BAM pot leaf stickers in red. I was hysterical.
3rd class we played bingo, and I got yelled at the whole time hahaha. "Teacher, Lori, Baleeeeee!" Bale, (I'm not sure if this is the correct spelling) bah-lee is the pronunciation, means to hurry up. This was hysterical I drove them crazy with my slowness, and also got the English version, "HURRY UP!!!"
4th class. I had two student's that got 73's on their English weekly test; while the rest off us enjoyed game time (scrabble) they sat at the end doing grammar and writing work. They said they were sorry, but those are the rules. 79 and below NO GAME!!!
5th class. The NO GAME happened to a few students but one particular student decided to show me a new phrase she learned from school: FUCK YOU was written on her notebook with a heart next to it. I almost keeled over; however, this is my 11 year old and she insisted that she had no idea what it meant only that is was bad. YEAH right she knew. BUT can you believe it, crazy kids. This class by the way, F6, are only one of my crazy group of kids, there are more!
6th class. My higher up class, half of them did not study, thus accumulating 60's and 65's on their test. I almost killed them; however the torture for them will start next class. Work, work, work. Only two of them (only eight kids) did amazing; 85 and a 90. Good job!
Our kids are overall truly wonderful kids, but as a teacher you feel ultimately responsible and sad when they do not do their best. At first you think it is a reflection of you as a teacher, but when it comes down to it sometimes kids just DO NOT want to study. Not mention their in school all day and all night studying for every single subject known to man, intensely. After the weekly test are over me, the other teachers and the owners sit around and discuss everything (we do this almost every night). We laugh, we cringe, but in the scheme of things we realize there are good days and bad days. Good students and not so good students. If anyone does choose to go into this field just remember you cannot do everything, and even though you want the absolute best for your kids understand that not everyday is perfect. Try not to stress or pull your hair out (of course this may happen if you are stuck in an awful situation at the workplace, in which it would be best to disperse) just take the good with the bad. It is all about balance in this field, and in any other aspect of your life. Also if you do want to get into this job, please be an understanding person. You are entering a different culture and pretty much a different world from yours. It is not always easy, but you are coming to their country and getting with their money, you are no better or greater than they. Oh, and actually want to teach and make it fun. Yes you have good and bad days, but don't take it as a joke. A year to be with kids is a very long time; they grow on you and you grow on them. Do not think of it as an easy job and quick money because you will be rudely mistaken. It is a job, a tedious one, and if you do not love it you will hate it and take it out on the work and the kids. I have been blessed with wonderful bosses who are like my family now, and kids that love me and I love them. Think wisely before entering, and find as many teachers as possible to chat with; preferably not the ones that have their bosses standing over them while you are talking ;).
2nd class my favorite student (I am her absolute favorite teacher;) shows me her sticker collection; opens to the first page and BAM pot leaf stickers in red. I was hysterical.
3rd class we played bingo, and I got yelled at the whole time hahaha. "Teacher, Lori, Baleeeeee!" Bale, (I'm not sure if this is the correct spelling) bah-lee is the pronunciation, means to hurry up. This was hysterical I drove them crazy with my slowness, and also got the English version, "HURRY UP!!!"
4th class. I had two student's that got 73's on their English weekly test; while the rest off us enjoyed game time (scrabble) they sat at the end doing grammar and writing work. They said they were sorry, but those are the rules. 79 and below NO GAME!!!
5th class. The NO GAME happened to a few students but one particular student decided to show me a new phrase she learned from school: FUCK YOU was written on her notebook with a heart next to it. I almost keeled over; however, this is my 11 year old and she insisted that she had no idea what it meant only that is was bad. YEAH right she knew. BUT can you believe it, crazy kids. This class by the way, F6, are only one of my crazy group of kids, there are more!
6th class. My higher up class, half of them did not study, thus accumulating 60's and 65's on their test. I almost killed them; however the torture for them will start next class. Work, work, work. Only two of them (only eight kids) did amazing; 85 and a 90. Good job!
Our kids are overall truly wonderful kids, but as a teacher you feel ultimately responsible and sad when they do not do their best. At first you think it is a reflection of you as a teacher, but when it comes down to it sometimes kids just DO NOT want to study. Not mention their in school all day and all night studying for every single subject known to man, intensely. After the weekly test are over me, the other teachers and the owners sit around and discuss everything (we do this almost every night). We laugh, we cringe, but in the scheme of things we realize there are good days and bad days. Good students and not so good students. If anyone does choose to go into this field just remember you cannot do everything, and even though you want the absolute best for your kids understand that not everyday is perfect. Try not to stress or pull your hair out (of course this may happen if you are stuck in an awful situation at the workplace, in which it would be best to disperse) just take the good with the bad. It is all about balance in this field, and in any other aspect of your life. Also if you do want to get into this job, please be an understanding person. You are entering a different culture and pretty much a different world from yours. It is not always easy, but you are coming to their country and getting with their money, you are no better or greater than they. Oh, and actually want to teach and make it fun. Yes you have good and bad days, but don't take it as a joke. A year to be with kids is a very long time; they grow on you and you grow on them. Do not think of it as an easy job and quick money because you will be rudely mistaken. It is a job, a tedious one, and if you do not love it you will hate it and take it out on the work and the kids. I have been blessed with wonderful bosses who are like my family now, and kids that love me and I love them. Think wisely before entering, and find as many teachers as possible to chat with; preferably not the ones that have their bosses standing over them while you are talking ;).
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I broke my camera. Well my imbalance actually did it; trying to hold everything on one arm, not so good. So I am on the hunt for a new camera; two in particular. Favorably, a vintage polariod and an easy digital. Moments that are snapped by a polariod are so authentic, as for the easy digital it is just for convience. Electronics and me do not always work; I prefer the vintage marvels. I have past photos that will be posted but for now I leave with a parting gift:
Amy Winehouse: Love is a Losing Game. Not vintage but a song to love.
Amy Winehouse: Love is a Losing Game. Not vintage but a song to love.
Friday, September 25, 2009
ode to miscellaneous:
as i stretch out on my bed
Hey You by pink floyd plays out my speakers
thinking this is what music is
letting me ponder in the words and my illustrations
once the song stops its feelings linger in my area
continued on sings Comfortably Numb which my very mood is
sometimes it's just how things are
~that is my name spelt in Korean .
Hey You by pink floyd plays out my speakers
thinking this is what music is
letting me ponder in the words and my illustrations
once the song stops its feelings linger in my area
continued on sings Comfortably Numb which my very mood is
sometimes it's just how things are
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Oooooo. U-do.
U-do is a small island off of Jeju, and jumping on a quick and sweet ferry ride will get you there.
Click on the photo to see the boat, and my big butt (haha) enlarged :) Oh, this boat wasn't our ferry but we had no time to shoot our actually ferry before we got on bc we had to run to it; however, I liked the color of this one better.
Let's go to Udo.
Click on the photo to enlarge; it's a beauty.

Click on the photos for a close up; I had to snap a bunch but these came out the best for the camera I had. Butterflies were everywhere!
Let's make the gimbap!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
In Jeju: Baghdad Indian Restaurant
Located in Shi Chong (City Hall); delicious food and kind owners. The place has been the "it" Indian restaurant for some time and a pleasure to chill in. The big bread is called Nan; the garlic nan is the best! The green and orange dishes are strictly vegetarian; however; they offer plenty to a meat lover's appetite. Amidst the place lazes confident hookahs (to enjoy) and coffee to sip on. Oh, and this is an actual Indian restaurant run, and cooked by Indians; so authencity goes without say.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A realization...
I have finally realized that sometimes you lose the good things in life to make room for the great things
~Anonymous ;)
~Anonymous ;)
Monday, September 14, 2009
"It's your God forsaken right to be loved.....
...loved loved loved."
Below is a live clip of Jason Mraz signing his single I'm yours.
I know that it has been out for a while, and honeslty not my normal listening style but I cannot help but to be moved by these lyrics, the beat, and his voice.
"Listen to the music of the moment people dancing see we're just one big family."
After having such a great weekend, besides being sick,this song was a tag along on some of the journeys. So I decided to share it with you. Jason is rambling in the beginning but around the 44 second mark he gets in the song.
New picks and stories will be up this week. Hope you enjoy the video!
Below is a live clip of Jason Mraz signing his single I'm yours.
I know that it has been out for a while, and honeslty not my normal listening style but I cannot help but to be moved by these lyrics, the beat, and his voice.
"Listen to the music of the moment people dancing see we're just one big family."
After having such a great weekend, besides being sick,this song was a tag along on some of the journeys. So I decided to share it with you. Jason is rambling in the beginning but around the 44 second mark he gets in the song.
New picks and stories will be up this week. Hope you enjoy the video!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Outside of Jeju:Coffee Smith
When my friend told me he was taking me too a big and crowded coffee shop I was not at all excited. I thought perhaps it would be covered with foreigners, and have little aesthetically pleasing quirks; which I love finding in new places, especially coffee shops!
As we strolled the street of Garousil in Gangnam-gu, my eyes lit up with astonishment. Coffee Smith was nothing like I expected. Japanese designed--a massive open area, that had a distinct feel of an artist or architects studio; metal and wood beams, stone interior, complemented by two floors of lazing people enjoying their conversations and coffees.
We sat in the front on the first floor, and the availability for people watching fit my mood to the T.
Café Americano please!
The smooth breeze laid out a perfect vibe for the day, and allowed me to sit back and think "wow, I am really in South Korea." A feeling that sometimes passes you by do to your hectic days filled with hollering kids and deadlines; I was grateful for the occasion of aide memoire.
My Apologies.
There has been some questions about why I haven't been posting lately, and I am truly sorry.
I have been incredibly busy with school, tutoring, and freelance work. I am sincerely sorry for the lack of posts on Live.Connect.Breathe. This weekend will be a full fledged event; my dear girlfriend from Seoul will be visiting me in Jeju! Also I will be posting some outside of Jeju spots for the time being. Photos and stories will be posted soon of Jeju and its events.
Thank you.
I have been incredibly busy with school, tutoring, and freelance work. I am sincerely sorry for the lack of posts on Live.Connect.Breathe. This weekend will be a full fledged event; my dear girlfriend from Seoul will be visiting me in Jeju! Also I will be posting some outside of Jeju spots for the time being. Photos and stories will be posted soon of Jeju and its events.
Thank you.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Everyday got published!
Everyday was a post I put up on Live.Connect.Breathe, and now it is published! I got many responses and emails about that writing, and had to throw it out into the publishing world. Click on the link below to take a gander!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Another publication: Random Nights
A 4th publication on Border Hopping [dot] net:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Another publication: Florence Cafe
Hey everyone another story of mine is publicated on Border Hopping [dot] net. Check it out let me know what you think (?)(!).
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Quote for Inner Strength
Strength is born in the deep silence of long-suffering hearts; not admist joy.
Thinking for Change
Outside of Jeju:Bloom and Goute Cafe
Classicaly designed, furnished lavishly with ferns only marks her more interesting than most of the scattered coffee shops on the strip.
Mild to high in price; she is worth every penny.
*Click on the photo to enlarge.
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